Friday, May 31, 2013

Ultraunning is normal, right?

I don't think this is an especially new post, but I found this on and was amused by a few of the suggestions. Which one's resonate with you?  On quick glance, 11, 16, 18, 23-30, 34-36 (#35 probably says more about how poorly I keep my car's maintenance schedule up!), 42-43, 47, 50 (two steps at a time going up!), 51, 54, 62, 78, 83, 84-89, 98 (too true!), 101, 109, 110....and 112.

Now, I know I'm not supposed to be updating my blog at work, but I stole a few mins during a conference call.  You know, that balance thing...

And last, here's a good article I saw this week that I found amusing.

Are we really obsessive? I guess you could argue that, but I've met who I think are very normal, albeit, driven, individuals in this crazy sport of ours.  I wouldn't classify us as addicts or pain seekers - maybe just people who enjoy a good challenge to break us out of our work-a-day routine, which for me involves, unfortunately, too much sitting down.

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